Google: Search Volume, Historical Trends, Traffic Metrics, Related, PASF & more widgets
Eight features added to Google SERP
Search Volume
Keywords Everywhere shows the monthly search volume, CPC, competition & 12 month trend data for every search on Google.

Trend Chart
For every search that you perform, the tool shows a widget at the top right that shows the trend for that search from 2004.

Related Keywords
For every search that you perform, the tool shows a widget in the right hand side bar that shows keywords related to your query.

PASF Keywords
For every search that you perform, the tool shows a widget in the right hand side bar that shows you what other people have searched for in addition to your query.

Trending Keywords
For every search that you perform, the tool shows a widget in the right hand side bar that shows keywords that are related to your query & are also trending.
This data comes directly from Google Trends and this widget has an additional column called "Trending %", which tells you how much the keyword has trended over the last 30 days.

Using Google's auto-complete API, we show you a widget with best long-tail keywords for your search query.

Website Traffic Metrics
For every search that you perform, the tool shows the estimated traffic & the total number of keywords that every URL on the SERP ranks for. Clicking these metrics also shows you the top 10,000 keywords that the URL ranks for.

Keyword Finder
At the top right of every Google SERP we show a button for using the "Keyword Finder" tool. This tool uses Google's auto-complete API and finds thousands of long-tail keywords for your search query. It's the most exhaustive keyword finding tool available.

Already installed? Sign up for an API key here
View search volume, CPC, competition & 12 month trend data on your favourite websites
Keywords Everywhere allows access to keyword metrics for any list of keywords and lets you download the list in Excel, CSV or PDF file formats.
Import your keywords & download all the data in Excel, CSV or PDF
Keywords Everywhere's Additional Features
Keywords Everywhere features you can't miss
Country specific search
Country specific search volume data on the keyword tool of your choice
Bulk Keywords Data
Let's you import your keywords in bulk and get their volume metrics
My Keywords
Saves your keywords and allows you to export keywords in bulk
Analyze Page Content
Finds all keywords on any webpage and shows you the volume metrics
Organic Ranking Keywords
Finds all keywords that any webpage ranks for in the first three pages of the SERPs
Add all keywords
Allows you to add all keywords found on the page
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