Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about Keywords Everywhere


Keywords Everywhere is a freemium browser addon that has the following functionality

The free version has the following features

  • LLM Prompt Templates: 200+ optimized prompt templates for Gemini, Claude and ChatGPT

  • Instagram Hashtag Generator: Generate the most popular hashtags for Instagram (no volume data)

  • Instagram Engagement Metrics: Engagement Metrics for Instagram Influencers

  • Pinterest Insights: Search Insights, Trend Chat & Related Trends (no volume data)

  • Twitter Engagement Metrics: Engagement Metrics for Twitter/X Influencers

The paid version has the following features

  • Everything the free version has with accurate monthly search volume, CPC, competition & 12 month trend data.

  • Traffic Metrics: View monthly estimates traffic & the top 10,000 keywords that any URL or Domain

  • Moz Link Metrics: View Moz Domain Authority, DA Trend, Spam Score, Total Referring Domains, Backlinks & more

  • SEO Metrics: SEO Difficulty, On-Page Difficulty, Off-Page Difficulty, Brand Queries & more.

  • YouTube Metrics: Search Insights, SERP Metrics, Video Insights & YouTube Tags.

  • Trend Charts: Historical volume data in the trend charts for Google & YouTube from 2004

  • Import Keywords: Import your keywords to see accurate monthly search volume, CPC, and competition for them.

  • Bulk Trends Data: Historical volume data obtained in bulk using Bulk Trends feature

  • Keyword Widgets: See Related keywords, People Also Search For (PASF) keywords & Long-Tail Keywords.

  • On-Page Analysis: Analyze any URL to get the list of keywords in the content of the page, and the density of those keywords

  • Competitor Gap Analysis: Find keywords that your competitors rank for, and which you do not.

  • Multiple Google properties: - Google Search, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner & Google Trends.

  • Multiple ecommerce websites: - Amazon, eBay & Etsy.

  • Multiple search engines: - Google, YouTube, Bing & DuckDuckGo.

Recently, Chrome has started hiding extensions in the toolbar. You will notice a new grey icon at the top right of your Chrome browser which looks like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle (Chrome Icon). When you click this icon, a menu will show a list of all the installed extensions. You need to click the Pin icon next to Keywords Everywhere. Once done, you will see the "K" icon

Currently we only support the English language extensively and the following locations - Global (All countries), United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & India.

While we do have a database of other latin alphabet languages like Spanish, French, German etc, they do not compare with our extensive database of English language keywords. That said, our database is constantly growing, so you should find volume for queries in these languages.

Here are the steps to follow -

1. Keywords Everywhere is a paid tool. You need to purchase credits to see volume data. If you have not yet purchased credits, you can see how to do it here

2. Ensure that you are using the correct API key. You might have multiple accounts with different API keys set up on different browsers or devices.

3. If you are using the right API key, then ensure that you have the settings enabled

4. If those settings are enabled, and it's still not working, then this sounds like a browser extension/add-on corruption issue. Please uninstall and reinstall the add-on/extension. Remember to restart Chrome/Firefox between each uninstall/install. You can use the same API key.

Please ensure that the checkbox called "Show Metrics in Autocomplete Suggestion Drop Downs" at the bottom of your settings page is enabled

Only Google releases their search volume. Amazon, YouTube and other websites do not release this volume. We therefore show the Google Search volume whenever you run a search on YouTube, Amazon or other non-Google sites. All tools that show volume for these sites (including paid tools) use the Google volume to estimate what volumes would be at these sites. We think having the Google volume is better than any of these estimates, as you can rely on the Google numbers instead of having to rely on an unknown algorithm that estimates those numbers.

The browser addon sends your keywords to our server in order to retrieve the keyword metrics we need to show you.

We value privacy highly. Your keyword data is never saved or used for any purposes, other than to show you the keyword metrics. This is because we would feel uncomfortable having a third party monitor our searches and feel that you might have the same concerns.

Installation & Usage

1. Once you have installed the browser addon for Chrome/Firefox - Click the Keywords Everywhere icon ( Keywords Everywhere Icon) that shows up at the top right of your browser. If you do not see this icon, the addon was not installed correctly. Try to uninstall it and then reinstall it.

2. If you plan to only use the free features, then you do not need to follow the steps below.

3. Click the "K" icon at the top right (you need the have the extension installed) and a popup menu will open. Here click the link "Update Settings". This will open the settings page.

4. Enter your API Key in the text box at the top of the page. If you do not have an API key, get one from here

5. Click the "K" icon again, and at the bottom of the popup menu, you will see a link called "Purchase Subscription". Clicking this link will take you to the page where you can purchase an annual subscription.

6. Once the purchase is done, visit and perform a search. The volume data will show under the search box and on the right hand side you should see the SEO Difficulty widget, the trend chart, and the Related, PASF & long-tail keyword widgets.

Keywords Everywhere authenticates its customers via the API key. When you purchase a subscription, it is associated with this API key. You can then set up the same API key on multiple machines and use the same pool of credits everywhere.

If you've purchased a subscription, and do not see the volume data then please try to uninstall the add-on and then reinstall it. You do not need to regenerate the key - you can use the same one that was sent to you.

You can reset your API key from here. You need to enter the email address you used to register. A reset link will be sent to you at this email address.

Metrics & Credits

Search Volume: This is an average of the total searches that people have performed for this keyword per month over the last 12 months. For e.g. a search volume of 1000 means that people have searched for this keyword an average of 1000 times every month for the last 12 months.

CPC: The cost per click (CPC) is the amount that advertisers are paying for a single click for this keyword in Google adwords.

Competition: The competition is a gauge of the number of advertisers that are running ads on Google adwords for this specific keyword. The number goes from 0 to 1, with lower values signifying less number of advertisers and higher values signifying more advertisers.

Trend data: The trend data is the actual search volume for this keyword for each of the last 12 months. We show this data as a chart in Keywords Everywhere. However, if you download this data, you can see the 12 values for each of the last 12 months. This is very useful to judge the trend & seasonality of a keyword.

SEO Difficulty: The SEO Difficulty tells you how difficult it is to rank for a search query in Google.
A higher number means that all the pages showing up on Google's first page have been optimized and have good backlinks and domain authority. Therefore it would be hard to rank for these domains.
A lower number means you have a better chance of ranking for this search query, as the top 10 results have not been optimized or don't have great domain authority.

Off-Page SEO Difficulty: The Off-Page SEO Difficulty gauges the link equity and domain authority of the top 10 results shown on Google for a search query.
A higher number means that all the pages have good domain authority and link equity.

On-Page SEO Difficulty: The On-Page SEO Difficulty gauges how well the page content has been optimized for the top 10 results shown on Google for a search query.
A higher number means that all the pages have been optimized for the search query and that to rank for this search term, you would also need domain authority and higher link equity.

Domain Authority: Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to greater likelihood of ranking.

DA Trend: This is a trend shown for the way the Moz Domain Authority has changed over the last three years. This is helpful in finding competitors who have had a sudden influx of high value links.

Spam Score: Spam Score represents a Moz metric calculated on the basis of machine learning to gauge whether a website has features common with other sites that have known to be penalized or banned by Google. This is a useful metric in competitor research, and in link building.

Link Propensity: This is a score from 0 to 1 indicating the likelihood that this website will link to other websites. It is useful in outreach link building.

Referring Domains: This is the total number of unique domains that have links to this website. If one website links multiple times to another one, this will be counted as only one referring domain.

Total Backlinks: This is the total number of backlinks to this website. If one website links multiple times to another one, every link will be counted.

Everytime the extension gets volume data for a single keyword, one credit will be used up. A credit will be used up irrespective of whether the keyword has any search volume.

  • On websites such as YouTube, Amazon etc where you enter only a single keyword, and see the volume under the search bar, only one credit will be used.
  • On, where you see the Related, People also search for, & Long-tail keyword widgets, one credit will be used for the main search query, and one credit for every keyword shown in these widgets. As an example, when you do a search and you see 8 keywords in the Related widget, 20 keywords in the PASF widget & 25 keywords in the Long-tail widget, you will be charged 1 (original query) + 8 + 20 + 25 = 54 credits.
  • For websites like Google Search Console, it depends on how many keywords are shown on the page. If you are seeing 500 keywords on the page, then 500 credits will be used
  • When volume data is shown in search suggestions, e.g. Google AutoComplete, as many credits will be used up as the number of keywords shown in the suggestion drop down. This can be disabled in the settings page by disabling the "Show metrics for search suggestions" checkbox.
  • The credits used by Bulk Keywords Data feature is simple - you use up only as many credits as the number of keywords you've entered
  • The Analyze Page Content feature will use as many credits as the total number of keywords found on the page. Note that depending on the content you are analyzing this can use up a Lot of credits very quickly.
  • Everytime you see the keywords in your "My Favorite Keywords" page, the software gets the latest volume data. In this case, we charge only 1/4 the total number of keywords shown on the page. For e.g. if you see 20 keywords on the page, then we only deduct 5 credits from your account. This is done so as to stop potential abuse of the "My Keywords" section, since the latest data is always fetched.

Once you purchase credits (or a new susbcription), they are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

If you've purchased credits on different dates, then the older credits will be used first, and the newer ones only after the older credits are exhausted. You can see when the credits are going to expire, by clicking the "Stats & Invoices" link in Keywords Everywhere's menu link. In the Stats page, click on the "Credits Left" tab to view the schedule of expirations.

While the extension is enabled, it will continuously use up credits based on your usage. A quick way to stop this is to disable the extension by clicking on the "K" icon, and then clicking "off" at the top of the menu. When the extension is disabled in this fashion, no API calls are made and therefore no credits are used up.

That said, most users have a low enough usage of credits that it might not make sense doing enabling and disabling the extension

This is a browser extension/add-on corruption issue. Please uninstall and reinstall the add-on/extension. Remember to restart Chrome/Firefox between each uninstall/install. You can use the same API key.

Payment & Invoices

Our payments are managed by Paddle. You can pay using your credit/debit card or with PayPal.

Yes. Paddle is our official reseller company, and it collects taxes for customers that are located in specific countries.

Please check their documentation for detailed information on the various additional taxes collected based on your country. In many cases, if you enter a valid VAT/GST ID, then the additional tax is not collected by Paddle.

Sometimes it takes a little longer for Paddle to authenticate the transaction. Once this is done, your account will automatically get credits. In case there are any issues, Paddle will email you and let you know if the transaction is being reviewed or on hold for some reason

No. We only have annual payment plans. A monthly plan for our lowest plan at $2.5/mo would cost us more in payment fees. Hence monthly plans are not possible.

You can upgrade your subscription from the subscription details page.

To access this page, click the "K" icon at the top right (you need the have the extension installed), and then at the bottom of the popup menu, click the "View Plan Details" link. A new page opens up with your current plan details. Here you can click the "Upgrade Plan" button to upgrade your plan.

How to find K icon of extension

When you upgrade a plan, the credits allocated to your old plan are retained. As an example if you purchased the Bronze plan and got 100,000 credits, then you upgraded to the Silver plan and got 400,000 credits, then after this upgrade you would have 100,000 + 400,000 = 500,000 credits. If you do not want to retain the credits of your old plan, you can email us at, and we will refund the amount for the old plan.

You can cancel your subscription from the subscription details page.

To access this page, click the "K" icon at the top right (you need the have the extension installed) and then at the bottom of the popup menu, click the "View Plan Details" link. A new page opens up with your current plan details. Here you can click the "Cancel Plan" button to cancel your plan.

How to find K icon of extension

No worries. If you forgot to cancel , simply email us at within a week of the renewal, and we will refund the full amount.

Due to the way our credit system works, when you upgrade a plan, it is considered as a cancelation of the old plan, and then a purchase of a new higher plan. In this case your old credits are retained and will continue to work till one year after their purchase.
If you do not want to retain the credits of your old plan, please email us at, and we will refund the old plan. You can then purchase the higher subscription for the full price.

To view your invoices click the "K" icon at the top right (you need the have the extension installed). In the popup menu click the link "Stats & Invoices". A new page opens up and to the right you will see a tab called "My Invoices". Click on this tab and you will be able to view all your invoices.

To make changes to your Paddle invoices, go to your invoices (see above) and click on the invoice you want to change. You will be taken to an editable version of your invoice.

This is the total number of users that can share the same API key from a single account.

If you are a single user, you can set up your API key on all your devices and browsers.

If you are a team of users, then the max number of people that can share the same API key is based on the User Seats value. Large companies will purchase a subscription for a single account, and then share the same API key among all their team members.


SEO Minion is a separate browser add-on specialized in SEO tasks and is now part of the Silver or higher plans at Keywords Everywhere. You can read up more about it on this page.

Rapid Level Up is a website that sells courses on digital marketing. Keywords Everywhere customers with the Gold or Platinum plans have access to all the Rapid Level Up courses for free.

Yes. We now have a public REST based API that you can use to integrate the Keywords Everywhere data into your application. Here is the API documentation.

You can email us at, and we will change the email address on your account for you. Please email us from the email address that needs to be changed.

It would be awesome if you could give us a rating and write a review on the Chrome Extension Review page and/or the Firefox Add-on Review page and it would be even better, if you could share it with your friends :)