YouTube Tags

View YouTube Tags for all videos along with their monthly Search Volume

YouTube Tags

How do I see YouTube tags & their volume data using Keywords Everywhere?

(1) You simply need to install Keywords Everywhere for Chrome or Firefox.

(2) For every video that you watch in YouTube, the tool shows a widget that lists all the tags that have been added to the video, along with their monthly search volume, CPC and competition data.

YouTube Tags

What are the other YouTube features that Keywords Everywhere provides?

Users can also view the YouTube search insights widget. For every YouTube search results page, the tool looks at the data for all the videos shown and provides you with data on them. See screenshot below.

The widget gives you the following data
(i) Top Channel - the channel who has the most number of videos for this search query
(ii) Maximum Views - the maximum number of views that any of the videos shown for this query have
(iii) Average Views - the avergage number of views that all the videos shown have
(iv) Keywords in Title - the total number of videos that have the exact search query in the video title
(v) Added in last 7 days - the total number of fresh videos that are less than one week old

YouTube Insights

The "Detailed Breakdown" link shows you the data for each of the videos in detail, so that you can verify the calculations made by the tool.

YouTube Insights Detailed Breakdown

Do note that this is the monthly search volume, competition and CPC for people searching at Google.

Dan Shure

Dan Shure

Spending more time in the SERPS and studying them (with tools like the Moz bar and Keywords Everywhere) is a huge competitive advantage
Nick Eubanks

Nick Eubanks

Awesome little hack, especially for the price.

Keywords Everywhere's Additional Features

  • Country specific search volume data on the keyword tool of your choice
  • 'Bulk Keywords Data' option that let's you import your keywords in bulk and get their volume metrics
  • 'My Keywords' option that saves your keywords and allows you to export keywords in bulk
  • 'Analyze Page Content' option that finds all keywords on any webpage and shows you the volume metrics
  • 'Organic Ranking Keywords' option that finds all keywords that any webpage ranks for in the first three pages of the SERPs
  • 'Add all keywords' option that allows you to add all keywords found on the page

I love this tool. How can I help?

It would be awesome if you could write a review on the Chrome Extension Review page and/or the Firefox Add-on Review page and/or share us through your favorite social network. We would love any help to get the word around.