Thank you for installing the Keywords Everywhere extension.

Not seeing Keywords Everywhere's "K" icon at the top right hand side of Chrome after installing the extension?

You will notice the Chrome extension jigsaw icon icon at the top right of your Chrome browser.

When you click this icon, a menu will show a list of all the installed extensions. You need to click the Chrome extension pin icon icon next to Keywords Everywhere.

Once done, you will see the icon.

Now you need to setup your API key in Keywords Everywhere. If you don't have one, click the button below to get it

What is Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere is a freemium online marketing research browser extension, available for Chrome, Firefox & Edge

What you will get

Here are the features Keywords Everywhere has for you

The free version has the following features

Instagram Engagement Metrics
Twitter/X Engagement Metrics

Twitter/X Metrics: Engagement Metrics for Twitter/X Influencers

Instagram Engagement Metrics
Instagram Engagement Metrics

Instagram Metrics: Engagement Metrics for Instagram Influencers

Pinterest Insights

Pinterest Metrics: Search Insights, Trend Chat & Related Trends (no volume data).

ChatGPT Prompt Templates
ChatGPT Prompt Templates

200+ optimized prompt templates to help you get the most out of ChatGPT

Gemini Prompt Templates
Gemini Prompt Templates

200+ optimized prompt templates to help you get the most out of Gemini

Claude Prompt Templates
Claude Prompt Templates

200+ optimized prompt templates to help you get the most out of Claude

Instagram Hashtag Generator

Generate the most popular hashtags for Instagram (no volume data)

YouTube Summary Generator

Save watch time by generating summaries of YouTube videos

Here is a short video that explains the differences between the free and paid version.

How to get started

Interested in setting up Keywords Everywhere and start using it?

Using the tool for free

If you are interested in using the tool for free, then you only need to install the addon for Chrome , Firefox or Edge

Purchase a plan

If you want to purchase a plan, then you need to follow the instructions below


Sign Up

Click here to sign up for an API key.
You will need to enter your email address and then we will email you a link to get your API key

Keywords Everywhere API Key

Setup API Key

Click the icon at the top right of your browser. In the popup that opens, click the "Settings" link at the top, and then enter the API key and click Validate

Keywords Everywhere Setup API Key


Click the icon at the top right of your browser. In the popup that opens, at the bottom, you will find the link to purchase a plan. Clicking this link will take you to a page where you can make payment.

Keywords Everywhere Purchase Plan


Once the payment goes through, your account will automatically get the plan you purchased along with the credits associated with it.

* Sometimes it can take upto 30 minutes to verify the transaction.

Keywords Everywhere Screenshot After Payment

Once you are all setup, here a few things to do

If you've purchased a plan, please do read through this article to understand how credits work, and how to save them.

Article on Saving Credits

We have multiple YouTube playlists with detailed videos on all of Keywords Everywhere's features. These will help you use the tool effectively.

View all playlists

Got stuck with something? Here is a video on the entire setup process, and another that explains the settings.


Here is a YouTube video that explains the setup process.


Here is another one that explains the settings in the tool.

I have some questions/issues. What do I do?

You can check our FAQs for any common questions, or simply email us at

View the FAQs